Your Career – Quo Vadis?

Although one might think every euro invested here is well-spent, TU Berlin has only partially invested and lacks a strategic approach to personnel development. So far, only individual aspects have been addressed, such as:

  • Introduction of annual performance reviews
  • The Welcome Day and onboarding concepts
  • Retention program for apprentices and a needs analysis

The ver.di list on the Personnel Council believes that investment in targeted measures is essential to attract and retain much-needed personnel. Demographic shifts will hit hard in the coming years as the „baby boomers“ retire. Additionally, turnover is always a concern for employers. We are more dependent than ever on retaining our own apprentices and training and retaining existing staff. This requires structured qualification programs and a systematic approach for our employees.

The ver.di list advocates for:

  • Recruitment of urgently needed new employees and targeted training of current staff
  • Investment in an age structure and turnover analysis and forward-looking workforce planning
  • Modern recruitment processes and onboarding concepts
  • Systematic retention of our TU apprentices
  • Fair compensation in line with increasing responsibilities
  • Managers with a strong leadership foundation
  • No burnout—consideration of employees‘ work-life balance

For an attractive working life with development opportunities, vote ver.di!

Appreciation Digital Teaching Digitization
Home Office Equipment IT Admin Staffing Personnel Retention and Acquisition
Wage Classification Improvement
(German Audio)
Workplace Design The verd.di list