The digitalization of our workplaces is progressing. We must participate and leverage its opportunities. It is essential to us that employees are supported during this process to ensure that digital work is secure and effective.
With efforts to implement telework and remote work, the Personnel Council has already shown foresight. These measures were appropriate and will only grow in importance with spatial consolidation. We are therefore working on updating and improving the service agreements for remote and telework to adapt them to current conditions and employee needs.
A survey of employees revealed that while digitalization is advancing, technical resources need improvement, and remote work options should expand. We will bring these demands to the university leadership.
The TU Berlin Personnel Council must be involved in introducing new IT services at the university, as mandated by the Personnel Representation Act.
As a ver.di list, we advocate for quick and effective support in implementing IT tools that simplify your work life. However, data security is also crucial to us. Therefore, introducing IT tools and the processes they support often requires balancing various pros and cons. We, as the ver.di list, bring relevant expertise and, if needed, can quickly involve external experts.
We stand for:
- Secure and privacy-compliant TU software solutions
- Solutions that integrate well with the TU software landscape
- Consideration of open-source alternatives to reduce costs, ensure data privacy, transparency in data management, and enhance security
- Streamlined and efficient organizational processes for IT initiatives
- Accessible IT solutions
- Sustainable solutions designed for long-term, reliable operation
- Expansion of remote work options
Do you want to work in a modern environment and digitally at TU? Vote ver.di!